This clip is made of two videos of Lincoln. The first half is of Lincoln's ride home after discharge from the NICU August 2011. This was the first time Lincoln had ever gone outside. He was on oxygen and several medications, morphine was one of them as you can see how "comfortable" he looks. The second half is from this August (2012). Lincoln is enjoying his first "fireworks" (snap n pops) with his Dad. What a difference a year makes.
Lincoln was born with a rare diaphragm defect known as right-sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) on May 26th, 2011. We were told that Lincoln had little more than 50% chance of survival. Linc fought hard for his life in the beginning, coming very close to losing his life. After 83 days in the NICU, Lincoln came home to us. He remains strong and stubborn, and is now a happy, healthy one year old. This blog documents his life.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
(Almost) 15 Month Update
Even though medically speaking, things have slowed down a lot, Lincoln is doing so much and I want to be able to capture that! So, I'm back. Blogging really helps me to document his growth and development and all the things I love about him just day to day.
Here are some current events on my little guy!
Lincoln is walking! He is into everything too. He has been walking full-time since about mid July. He has fallen a few times. Once it was pretty bad. He fell on the kitchen tile one night and he busted his chin open. He probably could have used stitches, but butterfly bandages worked out in the end and saved us a ER copay. Linc's a tough guy and, hey, what's one more scar going to hurt?
Lincoln babbles all day long. He loves to make noise, including happy screaming, a rolling D-D-D-D-D and clicking with his tongue, or just talking to himself.
Lincoln said his "first" real word - PIZZA. (st-zza) I know, what one year old says pizza, right? Linc is such a funny kid. We were having pizza for dinner one night and i was just casually telling Lincoln what was on the menu for the evening and he repeated the word! He said it a few times actually.
There was a time when I thought he was saying our cat's name (Neela) around 10 months old, but he was not consistent and stopped saying her name. He now says pizza if you ask him to. And recently has said "kih-kih" (kitty-kitty) referring to Neela. (I'm sure of it this time!)
Lincoln says a few more words - "bah-bah" (brown bear), referring to the Eric Carle book character. He has a sticker of Brown Bear on his wall in his room that he absolutely loves, too! He will walk to his room to point Brown Bear out if you ask him about it. It's adorable how Lincoln is coming to understand language! He actually said "Dah-dah" (daddy) once the other day after I prompted him, but still no "Mommy." Lincoln also now says "BA" (bath). All of these words have just come exploding out of him. I guess that's why they call it a "language explosion."
Absolutely, hands down, the most adorable thing Lincoln is doing right now is making "faces." I wish I could capture all of these on camera. He makes several funny faces now, I believe just to get a rise out of us. (which of course it totally works!) Lincoln rolls his eyes, makes a frowny/mean face, and sticks out his tongue at you, and I mean all-the-way-out!
Lincoln also loves to make faces at himself in the mirror. It's so cute! Lincoln also loves to wave and clap his hands.
Lincoln is really enjoying being outside this summer. We enjoy blowing bubbles together in the lawn or playing in the water table. We also have been going to the community pool once per week for "mommy and me time" for kids 0-6 only. We also go to the Library for story time a few times per month, where Lincoln does not listen to the stories at all, but loves to play with "new" toys and see other kids. Lincoln is fascinated with other children.
We have also gone to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and the Butterfly house. Lincoln loves to go to the playground at the park and swing or go down the slide with Mommy. We are making up for our long winter inside! I am trying to soak up as much Lincoln as I can while I am still at home with him! We've been having a blast!
Dan and I left Lincoln over night for the first time mid June (gasp), and then again in July(double gasp! ha). Lincoln spent one "practice" night with Grandma K in June and then full two nights over a weekend in July. I knew the day would come that I would leave Linc for more than a few hours, and the time was right. We were both ready.
Dan and I enjoyed a weekend at a friend's in the country, floating on the Current River. Lincoln did really great at Grandma's except for not wanting to sleep. Perhaps he was just excited to be at Grandma's. He ate really well and was a happy boy.
Lincoln cried when we came to pick him up, due to being overcome with emotion, I assume. I was really surprised by his reaction after not seeing me for two days, but I just held him tight and told him I had missed him and was glad to see him. He was ok in a few minutes and then was very excited and gave lots of hugs and kisses! I'm so happy that the trip and time apart went well for everyone.
Oh yes, I forgot to add above with Lincoln's making faces that Lincoln also give kisses now, if he hears you make the "kissy" noise or if you say the word "kiss." Obviously, I LOVE this!
Now for some medical updating:
Lincoln had a follow up with urology back in June that went great. Lincoln is all healed up from his last surgery. We go back to see the urologist in mid October to plan for stage two surgery in November/December 2012. The urologist will let us know at the Oct visit whether Lincoln with need one or two more surgeries to correct his hypospadias.
Lincoln's CDH clinic follow up appointment on July 19th was uneventful, which is a good thing. His xrays look unchanged from April- still no sign of reherniation with an over-inflated right lung. The over-inflation should repair in time with lung growth. Lincoln also has an upward bulge where his diaphragm is, which the doc said is most likely a weakening of the muscle there. Since she did not use a patch and Lincoln had a large defect, Linc's diaphragm was really stretched to close the hole. So far no signs of bowel in the chest though, so things are still holding for now. (We love you Dr. N and Dr. B! Best wishes to especially Dr. B who is having her second baby soon!)
Lincoln had grown, thanks to his high calorie formula and powder supplement. At his clinic appointment he weighed 17 lbs 11oz, measured 29 inches, and 47.7cm HC (75-90% tile!). He's getting so big now. Especially with him walking, he is looking like a little toddler.
Since we don't go back to clinic for 6 MONTHS (can you believe it?) I will be weighing Linc at home to monitor his growth for his docs to keep track. He is teething badly. Lincoln has ten teeth with a few more coming in. (Molars are the worst!) Therefore, he has been up and down with wanting to eat this month. He still takes a bottle or two, sometimes in the middle of the night. I plan to try to wean him of the night bottle to try to promote better sleeping. Not really removing a feeding, just pushing them to the beginning of the night or in the morning. It's rare if Lincoln sleeps longer than a four hour stretch!
Lincoln's wheeze is finally managed well, so there were no changes in his inhaled meds. He still takes Pulmicort once per day and albuterol as needed for wheeze (usually 2 x day). Lincoln also takes Zyrtec for seasonal allergies.
Linc's follow-up hearing test on July 30th went well, too. You can read about his first test here. I was not at all worried about Lincoln's hearing going into the test since he is so social and responsive to sounds. Not to mention that he is talking! Lincoln really enjoyed the test this time and was very interested in all the toys in the room.
Lincoln did well enough during the test to score "normal' hearing overall although he still has low response to high pitch noises (4000hz) and continues to have shallow tympanometry (measurement of the ear drum, leading to some indication of middle ear function, possible fluid in the ears). He is due back at both clinic and audiology in January.
I see that a lot of you looked at the blog on August 16th this past week, which was Lincoln's homecoming anniversary. One year ago we brought Lincoln home from the NICU after a crazy 83 days. I was TERRIFIED and overjoyed that day. I had been thinking of the approaching date this past week but as it came and when, honestly, the date escaped me. I will take that as a good sign that I am starting to let the past be the past and move forward. That being said, Happy Homecoming Lincoln! It is definitely a day to remember and celebrate! I love you!
Here are some current events on my little guy!
Lincoln is walking! He is into everything too. He has been walking full-time since about mid July. He has fallen a few times. Once it was pretty bad. He fell on the kitchen tile one night and he busted his chin open. He probably could have used stitches, but butterfly bandages worked out in the end and saved us a ER copay. Linc's a tough guy and, hey, what's one more scar going to hurt?
Lincoln babbles all day long. He loves to make noise, including happy screaming, a rolling D-D-D-D-D and clicking with his tongue, or just talking to himself.
Lincoln said his "first" real word - PIZZA. (st-zza) I know, what one year old says pizza, right? Linc is such a funny kid. We were having pizza for dinner one night and i was just casually telling Lincoln what was on the menu for the evening and he repeated the word! He said it a few times actually.
There was a time when I thought he was saying our cat's name (Neela) around 10 months old, but he was not consistent and stopped saying her name. He now says pizza if you ask him to. And recently has said "kih-kih" (kitty-kitty) referring to Neela. (I'm sure of it this time!)
Lincoln says a few more words - "bah-bah" (brown bear), referring to the Eric Carle book character. He has a sticker of Brown Bear on his wall in his room that he absolutely loves, too! He will walk to his room to point Brown Bear out if you ask him about it. It's adorable how Lincoln is coming to understand language! He actually said "Dah-dah" (daddy) once the other day after I prompted him, but still no "Mommy." Lincoln also now says "BA" (bath). All of these words have just come exploding out of him. I guess that's why they call it a "language explosion."
Absolutely, hands down, the most adorable thing Lincoln is doing right now is making "faces." I wish I could capture all of these on camera. He makes several funny faces now, I believe just to get a rise out of us. (which of course it totally works!) Lincoln rolls his eyes, makes a frowny/mean face, and sticks out his tongue at you, and I mean all-the-way-out!
Lincoln also loves to make faces at himself in the mirror. It's so cute! Lincoln also loves to wave and clap his hands.
Lincoln is really enjoying being outside this summer. We enjoy blowing bubbles together in the lawn or playing in the water table. We also have been going to the community pool once per week for "mommy and me time" for kids 0-6 only. We also go to the Library for story time a few times per month, where Lincoln does not listen to the stories at all, but loves to play with "new" toys and see other kids. Lincoln is fascinated with other children.
We have also gone to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and the Butterfly house. Lincoln loves to go to the playground at the park and swing or go down the slide with Mommy. We are making up for our long winter inside! I am trying to soak up as much Lincoln as I can while I am still at home with him! We've been having a blast!
Dan and I left Lincoln over night for the first time mid June (gasp), and then again in July(double gasp! ha). Lincoln spent one "practice" night with Grandma K in June and then full two nights over a weekend in July. I knew the day would come that I would leave Linc for more than a few hours, and the time was right. We were both ready.
Dan and I enjoyed a weekend at a friend's in the country, floating on the Current River. Lincoln did really great at Grandma's except for not wanting to sleep. Perhaps he was just excited to be at Grandma's. He ate really well and was a happy boy.
Lincoln cried when we came to pick him up, due to being overcome with emotion, I assume. I was really surprised by his reaction after not seeing me for two days, but I just held him tight and told him I had missed him and was glad to see him. He was ok in a few minutes and then was very excited and gave lots of hugs and kisses! I'm so happy that the trip and time apart went well for everyone.
Oh yes, I forgot to add above with Lincoln's making faces that Lincoln also give kisses now, if he hears you make the "kissy" noise or if you say the word "kiss." Obviously, I LOVE this!
Now for some medical updating:
Lincoln had a follow up with urology back in June that went great. Lincoln is all healed up from his last surgery. We go back to see the urologist in mid October to plan for stage two surgery in November/December 2012. The urologist will let us know at the Oct visit whether Lincoln with need one or two more surgeries to correct his hypospadias.
Lincoln's CDH clinic follow up appointment on July 19th was uneventful, which is a good thing. His xrays look unchanged from April- still no sign of reherniation with an over-inflated right lung. The over-inflation should repair in time with lung growth. Lincoln also has an upward bulge where his diaphragm is, which the doc said is most likely a weakening of the muscle there. Since she did not use a patch and Lincoln had a large defect, Linc's diaphragm was really stretched to close the hole. So far no signs of bowel in the chest though, so things are still holding for now. (We love you Dr. N and Dr. B! Best wishes to especially Dr. B who is having her second baby soon!)
Lincoln had grown, thanks to his high calorie formula and powder supplement. At his clinic appointment he weighed 17 lbs 11oz, measured 29 inches, and 47.7cm HC (75-90% tile!). He's getting so big now. Especially with him walking, he is looking like a little toddler.
Since we don't go back to clinic for 6 MONTHS (can you believe it?) I will be weighing Linc at home to monitor his growth for his docs to keep track. He is teething badly. Lincoln has ten teeth with a few more coming in. (Molars are the worst!) Therefore, he has been up and down with wanting to eat this month. He still takes a bottle or two, sometimes in the middle of the night. I plan to try to wean him of the night bottle to try to promote better sleeping. Not really removing a feeding, just pushing them to the beginning of the night or in the morning. It's rare if Lincoln sleeps longer than a four hour stretch!
Lincoln's wheeze is finally managed well, so there were no changes in his inhaled meds. He still takes Pulmicort once per day and albuterol as needed for wheeze (usually 2 x day). Lincoln also takes Zyrtec for seasonal allergies.
Linc's follow-up hearing test on July 30th went well, too. You can read about his first test here. I was not at all worried about Lincoln's hearing going into the test since he is so social and responsive to sounds. Not to mention that he is talking! Lincoln really enjoyed the test this time and was very interested in all the toys in the room.
Lincoln did well enough during the test to score "normal' hearing overall although he still has low response to high pitch noises (4000hz) and continues to have shallow tympanometry (measurement of the ear drum, leading to some indication of middle ear function, possible fluid in the ears). He is due back at both clinic and audiology in January.
I see that a lot of you looked at the blog on August 16th this past week, which was Lincoln's homecoming anniversary. One year ago we brought Lincoln home from the NICU after a crazy 83 days. I was TERRIFIED and overjoyed that day. I had been thinking of the approaching date this past week but as it came and when, honestly, the date escaped me. I will take that as a good sign that I am starting to let the past be the past and move forward. That being said, Happy Homecoming Lincoln! It is definitely a day to remember and celebrate! I love you!
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making the "kissy" face |
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look at Linc go! |
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He is clicking his tongue here. |
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pinwheels are fun! |
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sticking his tongue out at Mommy |
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"Cheese'in" |
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