Yesterday was Lincolns first follow up appointment at the Newborn Medicine Clinic at Children's Hospital. Learning from our last trip out to the pediatrician, my mom came along to help with Lincolns equipment and to keep him happy in the car. I didnt want to risk him de-saturating due to crying since this trip would be more like 35mins vs the trip to the pediatrician that was 10. His discharging attending neonatologist saw him a week early per my request due to Lincs fussiness and general irritability at home. (which has since gotten better. Thats always the case. As soon as you make a appt to see the doc, your symptoms improve!)
The doctor looked Lincoln over and asked me to describe my concerns. I told him about Lincs crying spells that last for 30 mins to several hours throughout the day, especially after feeding, and that I was not able to console him. This was not his usual behavior as compared to when he was in the NICU. Lincoln was also taking less milk at feedings. I had brought this up to Lincolns pediatrician at our first visit and she said he could be refluxing. Even though he is not spitting up, it may be enough to hurt and cause him to cry. She recommended a prescription that could increase the pH of Lincs stomach acid. The medicine will not stop him from refluxing, but when he does, it shouldnt hurt. I hadnt given the med to Lincoln though. I wanted to see the neonatologist first.
The doctor said Lincoln looks great and he is really happy with his weight gain. Lincoln has gained an average of 17 grams per day since being discharged from the NICU. The target is between 15-30 grams. Lincoln weighed 9-9 and measured 22inches long, with a head circumference of 40cm! The doctor said Lincoln doesnt appear to have any infection and that it does sound like his discomfort my be feeding related, as opposed to narcotic related. He said it was ok to try the med given by the pediatrician to see if things improve. Basically, "sorry he is so fussy, but he looks great and your doing fantastic with his feedings." Being fussy by nature is just fine. I just had to be sure nothing more serious was going on. The doctor did not make any changes to Lincolns meds or oxygen since the meds are more controlled by the surgery team and Lincs feedings are in question so he didnt want to wean his flow just yet. We go back for another follow up with Newborn Medicine as well as Surgery on Sept 19th.
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