
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30wk appt

Just a quick update of my 30wk appt today. No news on Linc, but everything with me went well. My weight and blood pressure were still in the normal range even though I gained 6 pounds in the past two weeks! My blood pressure was up a little from last time, but the doc said that was probably due to stress. It is not high enough to cause concern. My belly measured 30cm (perfect!) and Linc's heart beat sounded good, too. They gave me another RH factor shot and said that I shouldn't need another one until just after delivery (I had one after the amnio at 25wks since my blood type is A-). I also was able to do my glucose test this time for gestational diabetes.  I also noticed two areas on my belly where the skin is numb this week, one of which is around my belly button. The skin there is white, too. The doc said that the numb spots are fairly common, but she hadn't seen the white skin before. They are monitoring Lincoln often with ultrasounds and I'm not having any contractions or bleeding, so she told me not to be concerned. (My skin's not going to die or anything!)  Overall, it was a good check-up and I'm looking forward to meeting with the Nurse coordinator for our full day on April 13th. 

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