
Friday, February 18, 2011

Update from Dr. P

Dr. P called today after getting in touch with the surgeon at St. Mary’s/Cardinal Glennon. He has performed 4 surgeries in utero for severe cases of CDH were the baby had less than 25% lung volume. Of the four, all had a right sided hernia with the liver moved up into the chest. Three of the babies survived. 75% sounds pretty good for babies that are in a situation with little hope. It gives some piece of mind to know that, if Lincoln needs surgery before he is born, there are qualified people at Cardinal Glennon that can help.

We will have to wait at least 3 more weeks for the MRI, which will indicate how severe of a case of CDH we are dealing with. For now, I will remain under the care of Dr. P until we get results from the MRI. At that point, she will refer us to either the doctor at Cardinal Glennon, Dr. V, or someone at Barnes if Lincoln’s case is not desperate. Barnes is also able to care for babies with CDH after they are born but do not have the reputation for in utero surgery like CG. Monday, we go back to St. John’s for another follow-up ultrasound. We will get Dr. B recommendations and hopefully they find something between the legs this time!

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