
Monday, May 2, 2011

The Search is Over

Today was my third "new mom" interview at a pediatrician for Lincoln and the search is over! I like the location, the size of the practice, the staff and especially the familiarity of the doc with Lincoln's condition and affiliation with Children's Hospital. She is on staff at Children's so she will be able to visit him in the NICU and have access to all of his files online, which will make it that much easier for the neonatologists at Children's to stay in touch with her. Most importantly I felt the most comfortable with this doctor compared to the other two that I interviewed. She seemed knowledgeable, friendly and down to earth. Now I'll just need to inform the docs at Barnes that she will be Lincoln's primary pediatrician and they will contact her when he arrives. One more thing crossed off the list to prepare for Lincoln's arrival!

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